Saturday, August 1, 2015

Day 10- Friday

Friday nights don’t seem like Fridays here! J It’s the start of the weekend for most of you, but for us it’s just another day at the crèche!

Today it rained, and if you are a teacher you know first-hand that this means that the kids are CrAzY!!! We had a busy morning with “class” and then the kids made it outside to play in the dirt for a bit. Then, they went inside for bath and then play time. We took Benithy and got the play-doh out. She had such a good time with it! We played for quite a while. She really enjoys when I put music on as she plays, and every once in a while she will have to stop playing for a dance break!! Sound like anyone else you know?!?!?! J (if you don’t know… it’s all of us! The Man, Myself, and The Bash are always ready for a good break out dance moment!)

After lunch Benithy basically fell asleep for a good hour or so. This is when we played with some other kids and read. There isn’t a lot of down time there. Even as we read we are having kids come up and ask questions, take stuff from us, pick on us… So then we just give in and play. J

There was a large group of people that came through the orphanage today. They were from “Grace International” I believe an organization that helps orphanages. Anyway, they came and brought 3 big bags full of goods and toured the place. We got to talk to a few of them. They had brought over 40 bags worth of goods for orphanages all around Haiti. They go around and visit the different orphanages and bring goods for the kids! How cool is that? She said they went to a government owned orphanage earlier that day, and they had 400 boys that hadn’t eaten in three days there. They pooled their money and went and got some supplied to feed the kids for about 4 days. I’m glad there are people out there willing to do this for the kids here in Haiti!

Once we got back we were all so hungry and tired we cooked up our food, played a quick game, and we’re getting ready for bed as I type! Not a normal Friday night indeed! We need to get our energy back up for the next day though… So no time to lose! J

It looks like we WILL be getting our USCIS appointment! So that means we’ll have all of our necessary paperwork done! Then the praying begins that the process does not take too long for us to be able to come and bring her home! 

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