Thursday, December 12, 2013

Our Commonly Received Questions

Since we've announced our great news.... I'm sure you can only imagine the questions and comments we've been getting... So I thought I would clear some things up for those of you who are wondering:

1. How is the adoption going?
It's a process and starting it all takes time! :) But we are working on it.... Mostly... we're not even sure! :)

2. Why are you doing international adoption when there are so many kids around here?
First of all, there are kids everywhere and we love them all.... and if it was up to me I would adopt a ton of kids... from anywhere.... But it's just not possible, so we went with the best option for our family right now. We are not against domestic adoption, and we would love to adopt someone from around here, but that is not what we are doing this time (maybe we'll get another chance!).

3. Are you going to find out about fertility stuff? 
Well, maybe some day! :) I would love to find out if there is an easy fix, but unfortunately even the easy fixes are costly (or could be).... and we really want to focus our funds on the adoption. So, in due time.

4. Why did you pick Haiti?
It came down to the fact that this was where we felt drawn to after our first informational meeting, and then it ended up being the best fit for our family as well. We spent a long time debating and discussing this, and we are really excited about it!

Comments we've gotten:
- You don't want a kid the other kids will be able to pick on.
 No, we do not.... no one does. We don't want our son to be picked on right now, and will pray for him and our child right now that they will not be picked on. And when they are, we'll be there to help love them and show them God's mercy and teach them an awesome lesson on forgiveness! :)

- You are so much stronger than me!
No, God is.... we're just doing our very best to take this all one step at a time, and trust in God. Please continue to pray those things for us!

- 3 years is a long time!
YES IT IS!!!! Please stick with us for our long journey. We are excited to take it with you, and I know we're going to need all the positive prayers, thoughts, and encouragement we can get! For an impatient person, this is the ultimate test!

If you have any other questions please leave them below and I'll try my best to answer them! :)

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