Saturday, March 12, 2016

She is OURS!!!

Yesterday was my first day of spring break! So our family decided to use the time to update The Bash's passport so he will be ready to travel with us to go see/get our girl. We also drifted into our home Lifeline office to chat about what another adoption would look like, what we would need to do, where do we go from this one... Just a chat session to get a feel for what our next steps will be. We had a GREAT talk and a little more clarity on what our next years may look like. Anyway, we were driving home when all of a sudden I see I got an email from our country rep, Morgan. My heart starts racing every time we get something from her.... it could be anything... it could be nothing... it could be everything... you just never know.

I opened the email and she told us that we have her adoption decree! She is officially ours and takes our name! If we moved to Haiti today we could have her. We have about 6 more steps to go that will all have to deal with getting her legally to the US as a citizen.

Here are the steps we have left:
- The file gets translated and legalized and has to go through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs 
 - MOI (ministry of interior = immigration phase of the process for the child)
- The file (along with the child’s passport) is submitted to the Embassy in Port-au-Prince
If approved, schedule visa appointment
- Complete child’s medical appointment for visa
- Once the visa appointment is scheduled, the child can come home in about 2 weeks

We still have no idea when she is coming home. We are still praying for May/June. I hope you join us in doing that too! :) The coolest thing is we are able to share pictures of her with you all! We have been so very excited to share her with you all for so long! 

We love you all!!!

On other news:

B's bedroom now has a bed, dresser, and new bedding! We're gonna have her room ready to go when she gets here!! So excited!

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