Thursday, July 30, 2015

Day 8- Wednesday

Today I was really missing The Bash. It has been hard not having him here… but for some reason it really hit me today. I walk around feeling incomplete without that crazy boy! I know he is being loved on and taken care of amazingly by our family, but it is so hard to be without him for so many days. Which puts into perspective how hard this year wait is really going to be for us! Anyway, I came into our room this morning crying because I just wanna snuggle that boy so bad right now.
Anyway… Our day started with a knock on our door. We were headed to the crèche early today because they needed the car for something else. We crammed into the truck and headed to the crèche. When we arrived we caught the end of the kid’s prayer/devotions in the morning. The boys were making a sweet beat using drum stick on this shelf and a baby toy piano! It was AMAZING! They were all singing. Then they said their own prayers aloud and then said a prayer together. It was really cool getting to be a part of that.
Benithy had to go to the Dr. clinic today. She’s fighting a bit of a cold of some sort. So she got checked up on. The clinic is right there by the crèche so we didn’t go far.
One thing about Benithy is that every day she has to re-warm-up to us. It makes it very exhausting because every day we are breaking down a barrier. By that I mean she never comes to us right at first, we always initiate the relationship. Sometimes she still cries (especially if she is tired). At first we hold her for a long time, and she doesn’t let go. Once she finally starts to play she’ll get her sass and her voice… but some days she never gets to this stage. Some days she’ll look at us and interact with us, and some days she just lays on us. These are all good, but every day we go through these stages. Some days are easier than others. Some days she leans toward wanting one of us more than the other. Once we break down the Benithy barrier it does not mean it’s like that all day… Some days we are doing it 2-3 times each day! She is amazing, but so hard to get to.  On top of that we are bombarded with the needs of the other kids that are there. We get to know the kids more and more and love on them… Making each day so awesome, but so hard. So please continue to pray for us and her heart! Thanks!
Today while Benithy was napping we got to sit in on the older kid’s “class.” They pick a topic and have to discuss/debate it in English. Today the subject was sharing. It was really cool to get to sit and listen in on what the kids thought about sharing and all the different aspects of sharing. More than anything it was great to get to know the older kids a bit more. They are all very sweet!
The other couple here is so sweet. They are kind and, again, I cannot stress how nice it is to have someone that we can have good conversations with!

We are on our downhill ride of our trip! 7 days left (6 full days and 1 day of travel) left. It seems absolutely insane…. I don’t know how we’ll leave here.... There is so much I enjoy about it here in Haiti (I didn’t think those words were gonna come out of my mouth before we got here). Things are just simpler in that we don’t really have a lot of internet access so my phone addiction has been cut in half. We don’t have a lot of time for anything but playing with kids, reading a bit, and a few games at night. Everyone is really quite pleasant and nice, even if I don’t understand a whole lot of what they are saying. It’s really been quite nice. Please continue to pray for Haiti as a country. They do have some elections coming up that are going to cause some turmoil. Pray for guidance and peace! J

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