Monday, July 27, 2015

Day 5- Sunday

Jeremiah 29:11- For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you, not to harm you. Plans to give you a hope and a future.

That was the verse the pastor spoke on today at church. I did not understand a word the man said, but The Man had a man translate most of the message for him! The Man said the lesson was basically don’t live a Sunday Christian life, but live it all your days. J For me, I thought… what an awesome verse for us to hear in the middle of this trip. PRAISE GOD for meeting us where we are and giving us just the words we need.
Church was super awesome! It was SUPER hot! It was MUCH longer than what we are used to (we were there from 10-12:30 and we were late). I didn’t understand anything they said or sang about…. But I left feeling refreshed and filled with the Spirit… I had my own little worship service in my head! J PLUS I got to experience it with Benithy in my arms! I kept thinking…. This experience is something we can share and discuss and have together for the rest of her life. I get to take a glimpse into her culture and this can help me bring her up to LOVE it later in life (I hope). What a blessing!

After church we went to the crèche where we were able to play with Benithy! She was ready to play right away and we got her going and playing and laughing! We brought a coloring book for her to enjoy. Some other kids joined us and it worked out well. She got stickers and LOVED that. After lunch (She SARFFED it) we played with these plastic unicorn toys I brought for her. She did more counting (in English), sorting, putting away and dumping out then actually playing with them. It was really cool to see her interact with them (we caught it on video… cannot wait to share it with you). Anyway after that we played with bubbles and then a little chase game we love to play. Today Benithy was a lot more interactive with us. Approaching us first. Lots of laughing and playing with our faces. A good day with her for sure!

Then, it was her nap time. She laid down for a nap and The Man and I settled in for a little reading. It didn’t take long and we had some boys at our sides asking questions and looking for all types of attention. They were our entertainment for the rest of the afternoon! I laughed so hard as they did silly things, sang songs, and just were boys! Benithy never woke up…. She was still sleeping when we had to leave. We said: “See you tomorrow” and headed back to the crèche.

Another great day.

 Every day it gets easier… and harder to leave….. As I thought I would.... I want to take about 5 of them home with us. It breaks my heart that there are so many that don't have parents... One of the older boys is almost 16 and then he has to leave the creche..... Can we have him please?!?! Pray for these kids... Pray that more people take the leap to help these in need. :) Thanks! 

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