Friday, July 24, 2015

Day 2- Thursday- We Meet

Today started like most days we wake up, I worked out, The Man drinks coffee, and then we get ready for the day.
We ate breakfast, packed our lunch, said good-bye to the people that were staying here, and then we waited….. We waited…. We waited. We tried the wifi here and IT WORKED!!! So we were able to upload our blog from Day 1 and kinda check facebook. We really have a touch and go experience here with wifi… we are pretty much unreachable for 90% of the day….. Which really doesn’t matter too much during the day because we are busy, but at night it sure would be nice. One thing I miss….
ANYWAY, finally our ride arrived and we loaded into the vehicle and drove to the orphanage. Another interesting drive full of honks. Another fun observation is that people give thumbs up to say hi.
We arrived at the orphanage and The Man and I step out of the car and stand there waiting as our driver talks to another guy.
 A few minutes later he looks at us, smiles, and says “I thought you would just go on in” our driver says (our driver is also one of the main people in charge of adoptions for Chances for Children…)
“We’ve never been here, we don’t know where to go.” We both said.
“OK” he says and walks us into the orphanage. This is kinda the feeling we have gotten these past few days we’ve been here. We have no idea what we are doing, and no one here seems to want to give us too much information… Or they don’t know what information to give… and we don’t know what questions to ask. It’s been an interesting time… we are going with the flow the very best we know how…
Anyway we enter the orphanage and 3 kids run up and immediately want our attention and to be held. The man leads us to this side room and we wait for Benithy there. We wait for quite a while and as we wait we play with some other kids that are coming in and out of the room.
Finally our child is brought to us! And just unlike a fairy tale meeting… she is bawling, she does not want to be with us… The lady that brought her in plops her on my lap and walks off and we are left with our daughter in all her glory! J So we get out our picture book and we just sit and try and calm her. Eventually she stops crying (and I’m not using the word eventually lightly)… she settles into my arms a bit looser, and then passes out cold. Our first moments are literally crying, snuggling, and then sleeping…. Just like a baby I suppose!
We sat there for a while just letting her sleep… Just letting me sink her in… Just letting us BE with our daughter. She does the same small snore that The Bash does when he is fast asleep. Then another Chances for Children worker showed us all around the campus. We saw the rooms, the play rooms, the “TV room, the new building they are working on, their garden, their kitchen, their dr. office (medic center)… they have an amazing set up for these kids. Then we played! We played from about 1-5. We tried to really focus our attention and time with Benithy, but there are so many kids of all ages that want your attention. SO many yell out mama!! Papa!! And hold their arms up to you. I thought being a kindergarten teacher was a lot of touching…. Oh no… this was touch overload! I do believe that Benithy warmed up to us both quite a bit by the end of our time. We spent a lot of time just following her around as she ran room to room… By the time The Man and I loaded back into the truck to go home we were both over exhausted physically and mentally and emotionally. How are we going to expel this much energy and touching for the next 14 days we asked each other!!!
We may get to bring her back to the guest cottage the rest of our stay here. We aren’t sure yet. That should be an experience on its own, but a great way to get some more personal bonding time with her. Please pray and The Man and I adjust to so many things all at once.
 I wish I could show you a picture of our adorable, dimpled, sweet sweet girl, but we are told we cannot post pictures until she is legally ours! So, we will do our best at texting and showing you in person when we return. Until then… just picture the sweetest girl ever… because that is her!
Her name is pronounced: Ben-ee-tee

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