Don't get your hopes up... but
I got a phone call from our country rep with some MAYBE news.. I say maybe news because Haiti is not very helpful in knowing where or what exactly is going on with our paperwork over there. Not sure if we are close to getting matched or at the bottom of the pile. We don't know if they've even LOOKED at our dossier or not! There is a lot of random logistics in all of this... so I'm going to say it all in the simplest way I can...
The orphanage that we signed with (right before everything changed and you don't really sign with an orphanage anymore) is called Chances for Children. (look them up online they are awesome). Anyways within that orphanage they tentatively "matched" us with a GIRL at their orphanage. They wrote that in on our cover letter (submitted to their government with our dossier) as a suggestion for our family. Anyway, her dossier has started to move/ get processed!!!! Which COULD mean that things are moving closer to our referral stage/matching stage! I say could... because there is no real say as to what that means really until we get the letter/ phone call from them saying we have been matched, BUT it is encouraging none the less.
I realize it could mean nothing. I realize it could mean everything. More than anything... it's just nice to hear SOME news about our process at all. During these months of waiting sometimes you feel like it may never happen EVER!
So, without much speculation... we MAY get matched with a GIRL soon! (By soon.. I mean months... or something... who knows what soon means in this process???? not me!!!) Amen!
The other bit of news is that the person in charge of placing/matching kids is going on vacation soon... so... we still may be awhile...
Thank you AGAIN and AGAIN to those who have continued to keep us all in your prayers. You may not hear a lot from us, and we may be plugging along day to day, but our hearts are still longing to bring our child home! So to all of our prayer warriors I just want you to know that it is working. It is helping us get through this time of waiting.. and will continue to carry us through the rest of this long process! I love you all! :)

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