I recently ran a marathon. It was the best thing ever! The training took my mind off of things, gave me a goal I could work toward, and helped me COMPLETE something. When we set off on this journey this was not a part of the plan, but as I was faced with another LONG wait I knew this would help me a ton... and it did!
Right now we are still waiting... it could be tomorrow that we get a call.. it could be another 6 months..... We have no idea. So we have taken on the mind set that we are going to live each day enjoying the blessings we have now, but ready to take on the new blessings whenever it comes. We have almost had to put our adoption to the side of our plate instead of having it sitting as the meat and potatoes of our plate. It was consuming my brain and life TOO much and causing some anxiety and pain! So we are still SUPER excited to bring another child into our home, but trying to not let it consume every minute of who we are.
Mind you once we find out who our child is we go to Haiti for about 2 weeks for our bonding trip, and then we have about another year wait until we get to bring our child home to us! Are we tired of waiting? YES! I must say that as I have traveled more down this road it has gotten easier. Not because waiting is awesome. Not because I've become more patient.... but really because all we can do is put our trust in God and know that He has that. We have no control. We have NO say... But it is always comforting know that the creator has us in His hands. There we shall sit... nestled in... :)
SO if you think I've dropped off the face to the universe I have not... IF you think that we forgot about you... we have not! We are just still in the same place as 6 months ago... Waiting! Thanks for waiting with us in prayer and kind thoughts.
Here is a good picture to explain the process right now:

Again thanks for all your love and support! We would not be as confident and as at peace with this process without you!
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