Today was a good day. I got up and got my workout in this morning... Yes... I always work out. Getting it done in the morning (instead of the evening like yesterday) was better... but I still felt like I had never worked out before in my life. If you know me... you know I'm training for a marathon... and you know I HATE missing my runs.... GOOD THING I HAVE A GOOD DISTRACTION!! :)
The Bash woke up and "worked out" with me... He kinda just ran around me and asked me what I was doing. After 'our' workout we got ready for the day. The Man is now reading "Harry Potter" to The Bash, so they spent part of the morning reading. Then we headed over to the crèche.
B was there and came to me. She did well while we were at the crèche. We played. She actually went up to The Bash all on her own. Now, at the crèche they have a suitcase that they use to pull each other around. The Bash would say that is one of his highlights of the day yesterday... SO this picture is of B seeing what The Bash is doing... :)
After B ate her mid day breakfast/lunch we saw the nurse and then decided to head to the guest house. When we got to the guest house this time B was not really sure what she wanted to do... She didn't want to be off of my lap... she wasn't really herself... She was actually tired. So B and I sat and I sang her to sleep. She took a nice little nap this morning, and woke up in time for our second family lunch. She wasn't quite sure about any of the food today (even though it was the same as yesterday)... Once she kinda woke up we painted her nails... AND THEN she decided she would eat something. She had some food and LOVED the grapes (as she should!) Once she had some food in her belly she was AWAKE and we got going. WE did some art, played with play-doh, stacked blocks, read books, did puzzles, and just ran around. We had her at the guesthouse most of the day.
We decided it was time to walk back to the crèche so we headed back. At that time she wanted her mama to carry her everywhere. We walked back, she ate her lunch/dinner, then we looked out over the wall, and then I sat down... well that was an experience... the kids are OBSESSED with my hair. They want to know why I dyed it pink. They want to know why I cut it. They want to braid it! :) So I had about 4 boys and B all doing my hair for a good 30 minutes and The Man played soccer up on the grass with the older boys. It was a good evening. When it was time to leave B did what she had done the last time we were there. Pushed me away and acted real aloof about it all. I know it doesn't make since and it breaks my heart to leave. It breaks my heart that I can't explain it to her better. I can only imagine the hurt her heart feels as her family walks away without her. It stinks every time.
We came home and we are all exhausted. We had some dinner. Had some good family debrief. Watched a little movie. The Bash got ready for bed and then more Harry Potter reading.... Then we will all pass out! :)
Please continue to pray hard for our paper work.
Pray hard for B's heart and ours
Pray that tomorrow will be an awesome day (our last full day with her) where we can all feel like we got good bonding time.
Pray and Pray and Pray.
As for you all... Thank you again. I may say it every time... but I cannot stress it enough... All your love and encouragement brings us great joy as well. I pray that as you all get closer to the Christmas season that our focus can continue to look to HIM. Jesus, our Savior, born... not just born to be an amazing example and man... but born to save us all!
We sure are thinking about you and your week with B. Pictures tell the story of your time together, your love, patience, joy and emotions. Praying for a Christmas miracle...but miracles can be disguised in unusual packages...and if not yet...He is still Good.