Today was an exciting day! We had 2 tasks set before us as we left the house today:
1.) Get all our notarized documents authenticated so we can send in our dossier and get it sent to Haiti
2.) Get our Immigration fingerprints done
We got.... one of them done.... which isn't a great percentage...

The first stop was to get our dossier documents authenticated. Our dossier is a bunch of documents we had collect including: our bank saying we are in good standing, our employers saying we really work where we say we do, our sheriff saying we are in good standing in the community, letters to the Haitian government... It took awhile to get them all collected and notarized. Today all we had to do was walk in and get a gold stamp on all our documents saying they are legit. It was supposed to be easy, but of course... it was not! We had some things missing on some documents that needed to be there before we can get them authenticated. What was missing was so minor, so tiny, so annoyingly small that I think I about had a 3-year-old fit right there in the office. All it meant was we had to talk to a few people and have them change/add some minor things to our documents before we got them authenticated. It means making the drive there AGAIN... Just for something that I saw as super duper small... and silly.... BUT in the world of international adoptions.. you don't mess up a thing, because one little mistake can get your documents denied... and no one wants that. So, I held back my frustration and tears and left the building sad. We were supposed to get it all done today, and they weren't going to.... BLAH! As we drove to the next stop I started running through my head what we needed to do to get that all really done and back to them by tomorrow. So far, it's looking like I'm gonna get to return with everything ready
tomorrow! Let's keep our prayers in that direction! :)

The second stop was actually to Legoland! We needed something fun to do with The Bash since he had yet another car trip this summer. We had a great time there building and playing.
The last stop was to get our fingerprints done (again). They were so
friendly and helpful there it was actually not a bad trip. So for the
2nd time this process we got fingerprinted! We have accomplished that
I know that 1 day is not going to really make or break this process. I know that this process is a LONG wait... but when things get delayed, even one day, my heart just sinks... Because I know one day can some times mean 4-5 days. I know that 4-5 days can mean months.... and months push us back years... and when you are ready for your child to come home NOW.... it is heartbreaking when even one day goes by.
Please continue to keep us in your prayers and keep thinking about us! We are HOPEFULLY going to have our dossier done and sent to Haiti within the month. I'll keep you posted.
You are all amazing for caring about our process. You are all amazing for praying for us and our child. We feel your love and support daily. Thanks again!
May the Lord bless your days!
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