Thursday, November 14, 2013

God's Plan and Adoption

Since people have read the first post, and heard my story I have had overwhelming love and positive thoughts, prayers, stories, and encouragement! Thank you SO much for those! We're going to need that in the next 2-3 years as we go through the adoption process! :) Please keep them coming through this time, and don't forget "The Man" because he's going to need them too! (Although I doubt he would ever admit it!)

One comment that came to me a lot was that this must be God's plan for me. That the hardship of not getting pregnant and miscarrying is all in His plan for me. That these things were put in my life to obviously bring me to adoption. Which is truly nice and thoughtful, and in our minds it explains why bad things happen to people we care about and love!
But I want to clear that up real quick.... I do not think God planned for me to have these hardships, just as I do not think God plans for kids to suffer in other countries, or kids to die early from horrible diseases, or any hardship of any kind. Those things happen for one reason... The devil is awful and has brought sin into this world and we are living in it.
I do, however, believe that despite of all these hardships God has destined us for good, and He works through those hardships to bring good things from them. God is a loving and all powerful God perfect in every way. One thing I do know for sure: God placed in my heart a LOONNNGGG time ago a love and desire for adoption. I cannot think of a time I didn't want to adopt at least one child in my life time. I know that these hardships brought me to this option quicker, but we are NOT adopting because we can't get pregnant and stay pregnant. We are adopting because we are excited about loving a child that would otherwise never experience real love. We are excited about having a brother/sister for The Bash.

Although we will still walk the hard walk of trying to get pregnant again, we will focus our attention on adopting a child and know that God does work for the good of those who love him. (we may end up with 6 kids after all of this..... and I never thought I would be excited about being a bus driving mom..... but for some reason I am hoping for it a bit now!)

Please continue to keep us in our prayers. We are currently working with our adoption agency to figure out which country we are going to adopt from. A serious choice among many!

We'll let you all know once we have made our choice!

In the mean time, please stop by and look at the coffee we are "selling." The proceeds go to our family to help support our adoption.... PLUS it would make a fun Christmas gift or tasty morning delight for you!

1 comment:

  1. Andrea! I love this blog. I will tell you that Chris and I were in a similar situation with me REALLY wanting to stay at home but not having the money to do so. Well, we decided to take a leap, and I mean LEAP of some serious faith and God has blessed us beyond belief. He has opened and closed doors along the way, and I have had specific people placed along my path that have encouraged me with just the right words along the way. Some of those words I will pass along to you. "The blessings and rewards will far outweigh the hardships and struggles." "God usually finds ways to bless our efforts." "Fear doesn't come from God." "If it has to do with finances, don't worry about it." Chris's and my own faith walk also strengthened through the process tremendously. AND since the leap, we have gone from going into some serious debt to God showing up at just the right time by offering Chris a job that pays way more than his previous job AND has benefits. God also helped us to sell our house. He totally blessed us more than we would have thought or seen coming. You're right, He's got this. I will definitely add you to my prayers, and I can add you to my Bible study group's prayers if you'd like. A few girls have gone on mission trips to Haiti and would LOVE to pray for you as that country has a special place in their heart. :)
