1. We are in the step of the adoption process called parquet. It is a swift (and by swift I'm being completely sarcastic) 8 step process... :) Here are the steps that our paper work is going through:
1. The file is picked up from IBESR and taken to Parquet (court) à you guys are here
2. Adoption decree – when the adoption decree is issued, the child is legally yours in Haiti, and they are officially given your last name
3. The file gets translated and legalized and has to go through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
4. MOI (ministry of interior = immigration phase of the process for the child)
5. The file (along with the child’s passport) is submitted to the Embassy in Port-au-Prince
6. If approved, schedule visa appointment
7. Complete child’s medical appointment for visa
8. Once the visa appointment is scheduled, the child can come home in about 2 weeks
The timelines for each of these steps can be difficult to estimate since it can look different for each family’s case. However, I would say that typically steps 1 through 4 are the most lengthy, and steps 5 through 8 tend to move more quickly than the previous steps. Obviously that could change as we continue moving forward, but we will keep you guys in the loop on everything as we go.
As we move through we will let you know as soon as we know! :)
2. Our crèche had to get a new power of attorney. So I believe that will delay us moving through any steps until all our new paper work is filed with them (The Man worked on that last week). So once we get all our new paper work moved through that process we can hopefully get through those other steps from above.
3. Our daughter is doing awesome! The latest update we got on her is that she loves to eat, loves to dance, and sometimes loves to dance while she eats.... Sound like anyone else in our family?!? (only all of us). Our crèche's facebook page posts a LOT of pictures of the kids and B is in there quite often. So if you are on facebook follow them and you can catch some glimpses of her often. You can also see the awesome things the crèche is doing for all the kids. ALL our kids got to celebrate Christmas this year. They had presents and they had an awesome dinner for everyone. What a blessings it is to see our daughter smiling and getting to celebrate.
4. Thanks again to all our prayer warriors... I know that your prayers are working miracles for our family and our child. Please continue to pray that we move through these steps as quickly as possible, that our daughter is doing well and staying healthy, that he would prepare all of our hearts as we get closer to transitioning to our full family, and last please pray for safety and guidance in Haiti as they still work to elect people into office there!